mandag den 31. august 2009

appointment at the hospital

today is THE DAY .... an appointment at the hospital where I will be told what is going to happen now re my irregular heartbeat - if anything ....... must admit I am a bit nervous and my stomach has been playing up more than normal - the tablets the doctor gave me seemed to have worked for like 3 weeks, then it all began again around 6 am for the past 3 mornings - and it is soooo tirying you have no idea .........

by the way - here is a photo of a look-a-like spider I wrote about that was crawling on the wall some time ago - ugly buggar, isn't it ..... yuk .....

torsdag den 27. august 2009

some new photos and sweaters

I have not been sitting on my behind doing nothing - trust me ..... After last weekend with lots of showresults to put up on different websites and with different photos, I sometimes tend to get a bit too creative .... here are a few of the things I have made

I quite like this collage of Gerd and her basenji female, made of several photos - it took a long time to design it and when done the owner said I had written the name wrong - sigh .... luckily it was only the end of Nyota, I had written NyotO ... so easyly corrected ...

This logo is for a rottweiler kennel in Hungary - you would never have guessed this now would you ? :-))

As for the sweater department, well got a bit tired of knitting guest towels, so luckily an order for 3 sweaters for a chihuahua came in ....

and here is a photo of Barbara Mery with her boy, Andrew, who won Best of Breed at the Sighthound show in Budapest - Thought I would spice it up a bit with a very large rosette ...

tirsdag den 18. august 2009

loosing a friend

it is hard to loose a friend and yet I have lost another one ....

søndag den 16. august 2009

I hope this removes any doubts about having a basenji

Borrowed from the website of Dee's Basenjis and it says it all ...

1991 - After the tragic loss of Tabby, our beloved Doberman mixed. We decided to get another family dog. I wanted to go to the local animal shelter and adopt another mixed Doberman, but my husband wanted to find a purebred. We purchased an all breed book and began our research. My husband found the Basenji and loved them. He showed it to me, and after reading about how destructive they can be, I said NO, NO, NO WAY ARE WE GETTING A BASENJI !!

1992 - Here we are, on our way from Medina Lake to Papalote, Texas to purchase a 6 month old Basenji. I am riding along in the car thinking, what are we doing? a Basenji ? Have I totally lost my mind?? Maybe we won't like him at all !! We arrive at Papalote Basenjis, and there he is, a red male "Senji's Holiday Edition of Papalote." I finally see and interact with a real live Basenji, so cute and funny, all the negative thoughts were gone, I loved him!! So now we are on the long drive back home and all these mixed emotions are running through my head, WHAT JUST HAPPENED ? Didn't I say NO BASENJIS ?? Oh, but he is so cute and irresistible !! Things were going along really well for a few months....Then it happened.... one day we ran down to the local store, 10 minutes tops, got home, opened the door, and there my couch was, all over the floor in a million teeny tiny pieces. Senji sitting there looking at us in the middle of it all, like he had no clue what had gone on there. I was fixing to spank his little rear until I looked into his eyes, that look, those eyes, my heart melted. What is it about a Basenjis eyes?? After that we bought him many, many toys, put them in a box in a corner, and he would play with them and put them back when he was done. Not that he was trying to help me out in keeping the house clean but, only to be stingy, yes stingy, because in the mean time, I LOST MY MIND AGAIN ....

1993 - Now here we are driving to Houston to purchase a little Black & White puppy. Now this time all the same thoughts plus more are running through my head, what are we doing? The puppy thing all over again, oh no !!I have to get myself mentally ready for this. Maybe we won't like her. Ohhh, but Senji needs a play mate.... So here we are driving home again with our beautiful little "Kamina's Star-Light Express" who pooped all over our son before we got a 1/4 mile down the road. Her and Senji loved each other, soul mates for life. The first litter - We were so excited when Kamina conceived. I couldn't wait for the puppies to be born. I had never seen a newborn Basenji. Now it was time, poor Kamina, her first litter, my first litter !! I had done my homework, purchased everything I possibly could need, and was prepared for pretty much anything. The first puppy makes its way into the world, Kamina looks at it, then looks at me like you wanted it, it's yours !! So here I go tearing the bag, cutting the cord and cleaning the puppy. Kamina laid down and nursed the new little bundle of Joy. 3 more puppies followed and she took care of the bags, umbilical cords and the cleaning all herself.

After that, every time Kamina had puppies, that first puppy was always mine, after I cleaned it up, she would take care of it. By the Grace of God, to this day, we have never lost a puppy, all have been healthy. Kamina was the best little Basenji I ever owned. Never ever tore up one thing. She had the best personality, was a great mother, and would love and nurse puppies that were not even hers!! Her motherly instincts were so strong, she would lay down and dry nurse any puppy that latched on to her. When Senji unexpectedly passed away, Kamina would stick her head out the doggie door and cry for him periodically all day long. She was lost without him. It broke my heart and I would cry right along with her. That is when I first realized Basenjis form extremely strong bonds with their mates. Even after we purchased Dexter for her, the bond was not as it was between her and Sinji.

The puppies are such a joy to have around the house, to watch them grow and change, their ages and stages. I can love them and spoil them. It's such a wonderful and happy time of the year !! Until it's time for them to go to their new homes. Then I wonder .....Why do I do this? Why do I intentionally put myself through this pain year after year? Am I absolutely sure all my puppies have gone to good homes?? God, please keep all my puppies safe. After the puppies have settled into their new homes and I starting getting updates on them I am so thrilled. The pictures and stories, I just love !! Other Basenjis and more litters followed our Beautiful original first 2 Basenji's. Kamina & Senji, we miss you dearly!! We since moved from our lake house to a farm close to Beeville Texas. Enjoying the country living while raising Basenjis and livestock. So this was how it started and I fell in love with the breed. Sometimes I wonder how it would be to have a calm, laid back non chewing kind of dog around here, but then again, It wouldn't bring the laughs and joys of a silly Basenji.

tirsdag den 11. august 2009

Mickey is not the only one, who strikes again ...

This is really funny I think .....

Mickey strikes again ...

All weekend the kitchen zink has been gurgeling ........ so I knew it was time to get it fixed, especially yesterday evening, when like no water ran out of the zink when I was doing the dishes - so I had to finish doing them in the bathroom zink, where the water is not so hot ....... Early this morning I called the plumbers and as it seemed to be something that would take more than one hour, I decided to take my bike, Mickey and Asta and ride to the store for a little shopping - Almost there I have to cross a road and today there were a lot of cars in both directions and as I was thinking this, Mickey decided to make his move, jumping to the right as I was looking to the left and surprised me so I fell ......... I was standing with my bike and fell ! How dumb can this be ? There I was, lying on the ground when 2 young men :-) came out of their cars and helped me up ..... My elbow and right hip was hurt, plus my pride - otherwise I was A OK ....... I wonder if Mickey did this because the plumber came through the kitchen door and his van was just outside, and it is only when we are off to dogshows that we use the kitchen door.... Mickey did at first think we were going for a drive, but alas ........... nahhhh - he couldn't have tried to get even, could he ? hmmmmmmmm

mandag den 10. august 2009

Monday morning...

what a morning - Kira had to go out around 4am due to a bad stomach, so all 3 dogs came along, and there we stod watching folk get up and ready for work !? (and some complains when dog-folk say they get up around 3am to travel to dogshows!) - Also the garbage truck came around 4.15. am and he is not one of the most quiet people but we did not care, as we were awake and outside ..... it was very humid due to the rain the evening before -

I had just made a nice cup of tea around 7am, the first of the day, when Kira had to go out again .... when we got back inside all hell broke loose - thunder, lightening and heavy rain - I am glad the dogs are not afraid of thunder or lightening, however I am - Today is the first day of the school year, so not a good beginning ...

After I showered and washed my hair, Kira had to go out one more time ......... sigh .... I never meet anyone, but this morning met a neighbour who took one look at me and asked if I had been in the rain !? Needless to say it was a good exuse :-)) I must have looked like a drowned mouse ..... the weather is now very humid and the neighbour has her windows open and her dogs are barking every 10 minutes .......... this is why I hate Summer, open doors and windows and barking dogs -

søndag den 9. august 2009


In connection with Asta's upcoming and planned litter I have written down all the expenses I have had so far and will have for this litter, as I am a bit tired of folk saying: " you will make a bundle on this litter!" - Really - well read and be quiet ..........

I forbindelse med Astas planlagte kuld har jeg skrevet hvad jeg til dato allerede har brugt af penge og vil fortsætte med dette til hvalpene er kommen hjemmefra da jeg er lidt træt af at få at vide, at jeg tjener "kassen" på et kuld hvalpe ! Mon dog ......... læs selv ......

it is on Asta's website -

6. and 9. August 1945

On 6. August 1945 USA threw a bomb over Hiroshima - read more here

and again on 9. august 1945 USA through a "small" bomb over Nagasaki and killed 80.000 people - read more here

not something to celebrate, but to remember, hoping it never happens again .......


By the way, did anyone, I wonder, read the below article about the domestic dogs ? anyways, I enjoyed it so no matter .......

tirsdag den 4. august 2009

Domestic dog origins challenged

Domestic dog origins challenged
By Judith Burns Science reporter, BBC News

African village dogs possess plenty of genetic diversity
The suggestion that the domestic dog originated in East Asia has been challenged.
The huge genetic diversity of dogs found in East Asia had led many scientists to conclude that domestication began there.

But new research published in the journal PNAS shows the DNA of dogs in African villages is just as varied.
An international group of researchers analysed blood samples from dogs in Egypt, Uganda and Namibia.
Today's dogs are descended from Eurasian grey wolves, domesticated between 15,000 and 40,000 years ago.
I think it means that the conclusion that was drawn before might have been premature
Adam Boyko, Cornell University
The authors say the process by which humans domesticated the dog is poorly understood.
Lead scientist, Dr Adam Boyko of the Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology at Cornell University, says he decided to look at village dogs because they are so much more genetically diverse than bred dogs that they may hold the key to the origins of dog domestication.
The team analysed DNA from 318 dogs from villages in Egypt, Uganda and Namibia and measured their genetic diversity.
They also analysed the genetic make up of dog breeds thought to be of African origin, for example the Saluki, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, and the Pharoah Hound and compared all the resulting data with results for non African dogs such as Puerto Rican street dogs and non-pedigree dogs in the US.
The emphasis on African village dogs came about because Adam Boyko's co-authors, his brother and sister-in-law, were travelling in Africa on honeymoon. They collected all the blood samples from the African dogs.
Genetically diverse
The team found genetic diversity among African village dogs is just as diverse as that of East Asian dogs, leading them to question the hypothesis of an East Asian origin for dog domestication.
Dr Boyko told BBC News: "I think it means that the conclusion that was drawn before might have been premature. It's a consequence of having a lot of street dogs from East Asia that were sampled, compared to elsewhere.
"The reason that East Asia looked more diverse than elsewhere was not because East Asia as a continent had more diverse dogs than elsewhere but because non breed street and village dogs are more diverse than breed dogs."
He said he was not ruling out East Asia as a possible location for the origin of the domestic dog - but it could equally have been anywhere else on the Eurasian landmass where there were both grey wolves and humans.
Co-author Paul Jones of The Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, UK, said: "It's interesting to know the answer to the question of where dogs were first domesticated and this paper goes some way to giving us an answer."
The team are now in the process of sampling street and village dogs across Europe and Asia from Portugal to Papua New Guinea to pinpoint the areas of greatest genetic diversity.
Dr Boyko said that all the dogs sampled in the study have grey wolf DNA so he is not questioning the hypothesis that dogs descended from Eurasian wolves.
The results led the team to conclude that today's African village dogs are a mosaic of indigenous dogs descended from early migrants to Africa.
They also went some way to proving the origins of some pedigree dogs purported to be of African origin. For example the Saluki breed shares DNA with modern day village dogs from Egypt - as does the Afghan Hound, despite its name.
Likewise, the Basinji breed is genetically very similar to some Namibian and Ugandan village dogs.
However the Pharaoh Hound and Rhodesian Ridgeback have little in common with any African indigenous dogs which suggests that these two breeds have non African origins.

hjæææææælppppppp - hellllpppp

en edderkop - en mega stor sort edderkop sad på væggen i aftes .............. tror dens ben var 5-6 cm lange på en meget stor krop - fornemmede den kiggede på mig, så tog en pind og ville skubbe den ned fra væggen, men den landede med et plonk på noget papir ......... hele aftenen sad jeg og var lige lidt nervøs for hvor den var landet og om jeg skulle se den spurte over stuegulvet, men indtil nu har ikke set den ........ den har nok gemt sig et sikkert sted, det håber jeg - for den var godtnok stur og grim .........

a spider - a mega huge black spider sat on the wall yesterday evening - I think it's legs were 5-6 cm long and on a mega big body ....... I had a feeling it was looking at me, so I took a stick and pushed it off the wall and it landed with a plonk on some paper ...... all evening I was a bit nervous as to where it had landed or if I was going to see it speed across the living room floor .... so far I have not seen it, hopefully it has hidden a safe place - 'cause it was huge and ugly .... yuk !

søndag den 2. august 2009

naboens hunde, der gør

hold kæft hvor er jeg træt af naboens hunde, der evig og altid gør og ejeren har det med at lukke ørene i stedet for vinduerne .... det er snart i døgndrift at disse 2 hunde gør og jeg har til dato overhørt det fordi jeg selv har hunde - Jeg får hovedpine af de kræ, en gravhund og en shit-zu og nu har jeg måtte lukke hoveddøren, selvom her er lige varmt nok, fordi de gør for åbne vinduer - suk - giv mig styrke !

lørdag den 1. august 2009

kloge ord

Errare humanum est, sed in errore persevare turpe, skrev Seneca

oversat til dansk: at tage fejl er menneskeligt, men at stå fast ved fejlen er dumhed.

en lidt anderledes måde at give sin hund vand på ...

(staves anderledes med 1 eller 2 d' er?)

billedet er af en dreng fra Omo stammen, der er tilhørende i Ethiopien - og hans hund. Tror ikke det er af racen basenji, uanset så ses det tydeligt at dens pels er fyldt med utøj - trist men sådan er livet for mange hunde og dyr rundt omkring i verden - ved ikke lige hvad jeg ellers skal sige hertil ......

Historien om hvordan basenjien fik sin ringlede hale - og mistede stemmen ...

Det er en sød lille historie på engelsk, men det kan de fleste jo klare at læse

... i dag er der Kræmmermarked på Dyreskuepladsen, men jeg har lige været ude at cykle først til Føtex med Mickey og Asta og bagefter en længere tur med Mickey og Kira, så udover, at hundene er trætte er jeg det faktisk også - og der er Kræmmermarked i morgen også hvis jeg skulle komme i tanke om, at jeg gerne vil købe en ny Drømmefanger - da den jeg har haft hængende over sengen i nogle år ikke kan mere - måske fordi den har fanget alle mine drømme ? - kan jeg nå det endnu

Jeg tror faktisk at jeg har haft det så dårligt de sidste mange uger fordi jeg igen, har fået og haft et maveonde med hjem fra sidste besøg på sygehuset - jeg har det ikke 100% ok, men det går fremad og så bliver man også i lidt bedre humør når man ikke er mega træt eller har ondt et eller andet sted ...... Vi har haft besøg af flere potentielle hvalpekøbere og især Mickey har været vældig opsat på de unge damer og klistret sig op ad dem som han altid gør, den lille slyngel :-))

Asta skal have sine øjne lyst indenfor de næste 14 dage i håb om, at de er ligeså fine som både hendes mors og fars øjen resultater var/er ...

Der er udsendt stemmesedler til avlsrestriktioner for vor race og jeg håber alle fornuftige basenji ejere stemmer ja til begge forslag ... alt andet vil bare ikke være rigtigt, ikke mere og ikke fremover med vor race hvis vi skal være på højde med udenlandske basenji .... så I, der læser min blog og har basenji, er medlem af SPK og har stemmeret - stem JA til begge forslag !

- og så stepper jeg ned fra min sæbekasse ....