søndag den 25. oktober 2009

ny strikketrøje

denne søde lille hund stammer fra Ghana, Afrika og iflg. ejeren er det en blanding af en basenji og ?
Malou som hunden kaldes er lidt forfrossen, så hendes ejer bestilte en trøje som Malou nu ikke er helt så begejstret for mens billedet bliver taget - men det er bleven bedre at have den på får jeg at vide ...

Nu er jeg snart færdig med at strikke en trøje til en whippet og så i gang med at strikke en heldragt - det bliver en udfordring ...

det, at blive alene

er ikke altid nemt, især ikke for mænd, åbenbart .... læste denne blog der taler for sig selv

onsdag den 21. oktober 2009

besøg hos lægen

ikke dyrlægen, men lægen der skal læge mig ...... der var kommen svar fra Skejby sygehus efter mit besøg der i sidste måned var det vist - har glemt datoen, da tiden spurter afsted i øjeblikket og jeg skal fortsætte eller forny behandling på Horsens sygehus med enten indsprøjtninger til blodfortyndelse eller tabletter - det vil jeg få brev om - det jeg ikke blev så glad for, var at lægen ikke er tilfreds med mit helbred, især hjertet og sagde, at skulle jeg få hurtig hjerterytme måtte jeg komme omgående til klinikken - på vej hjem på cykel og med Mickey og Kira løbende ved siden af, slog det mig pludselig: jamen hvad hvis og såfremt det sker om natten - skal jeg så også tage til klinikken og hvordan ? Så set i bakspejlet var rådet sikkert velment omend måske ikke muligt ..... ved ikke lige hvordan jeg skal forstå lægens råd - nogle bud derude blandt de kloge læsere ? På forhånd tak ...

tirsdag den 20. oktober 2009

Hanne came by

Hanne has been away for an extended weekend so we looked after her cats - hence the previous story from Sunday ....

Mickey adores Hanne and same does Asta, who for the first time ever yodelled when she saw Hanne ! on the photo Hanne is talking to Mickey while Asta is waiting to show her belly ....

søndag den 18. oktober 2009

Mickey makes another run for it ........

I had the task of looking after Hanne's cats while she has been away for a few days - today Mickey thought he should come along to see what I had been up to twice a day lately- so all 3 had to come along and I hocked them on to a watersomething and went inside the house to give the cats some dryfood - when I came out again after 2 minutes tops and hung the keys back in their place, well, Mickey decided to make a run for it (or was it after a cat ?) ........... both Kira and Asta were quick and after him - so there I was, a lovely sunny and grisp Sunday morning with nothing to do but try and find my dogs - luckily no traffic - and no dogs to see anywhere ........ to make a long story short, as I was very worried about Asta, I was cykling up and down the streets and calling out - after almost an hour I finally turned a street corner and there they were all tangled up in another dogs flex-line - the dog was not wearing the flex-line anymore! the dogowner was not pleased - and I do not blame her - no harm done, all is well .... my hair turned white after this event and now I will continue my breakfast -

It is cold outside in the mornings now, so Kira, Asta and Mickey have begun to wear their sweaters - I am also busy knitting sweaters to other dogs ..... never a dull moment ...

tirsdag den 13. oktober 2009

Avlsarbejde gennem 30 år

Mickey manden er hjemme igen

Asta sad søndag aften i vindueskarmen og var helt sikker på, at hendes far kom hjem - tilsidst var hun så indviklet i gardinerne, at hun sad stille længe nok til jeg kunne tage dette billede af hende ....

Asta har været meget stille uden sin far, ligesom mistet appetiten og i det hele taget ikke været sig selv - Kira er ikke den store legekammerat, så der har ingen hjælp eller støtte været at hente -

Tidlig mandag fløj sms' erne frem og tilbage - nu var Mickey på vej til Slagelse banegård og så var Tim på banegården og havde fået overdraget Mickey fra de søde unge mennesker, der havde passet ham ..... videre i forløbet var turen med toget og så kørte vi til banegården hvor Mickey kom ud med Tim - og hvor blev jeg glad for at se ham igen ... og det var gengældt - men Mickey havde været en del vokal fortalte Tim, der vist synes det havde været en lidt anstrengende rejse -

her er Mickey i går med Asta hvis ører lige skal undersøges - Kira er lidt på vagt overfor Mickey, for tænk om han kom hende lidt for nær ....

lørdag den 10. oktober 2009

Mickey's homecoming

well, not like a King or Queen, but almost :-)) Monday, Mickey will be home again having been gone for almost 3 weeks, with one day home .... Until now, he has behaved well where ever he has been, which has made me extremely proud, as he sometimes is a bit of a handful - One of my neighbours will bring him by train so this will save the young couple, who are looking after him, another 5 hour car ride - even though they did offer, but their car has been in the shop, so best Mickey travels home this way and he knows Tim, who will bring him back to me- Counting the hours now -

I have been waiting for improvement/NEWS on Thyroid testing

and for a good reason - read the latest (copied from kennel Yulara's website)

Dear All

Could you all do me a big favour and get this notice out to all the Basenji journals/breeders/newsletters asap.
I have been following 14 animals over 3 years since the 2006 -115 dog collection, collecting more blood and thyroid biopsy results and thanks to these dedicated owners, we now are much more confident to state;
1) Whilst c TSH blood tests especially retested 4-6 months later really DO tell us a lot about the thyroid state of the Basenji- the tT4 and the fT4 blood tests BY THEMSELVES tell you NOTHING of any validity.
1b) In fact, tT4 - thyroxin mis-interpreted can lead to a dog being placed on un-necessary medication,unwarranted removal from a breeding pool and an unfair prognosis on survival if the animal was suffering a severe illness at the time of the blood test.
2) The only time T4 should be tested is alongside a cTSH, or to retest drug therapy after 3 months or to be checked in rhTSH stimulation testing.
I will endeavour to write a full clinical paper on this over the next year.
I am trying to see if I can get some ultrasounds done on a large number of breeding dogs to give breeders a better concept of what is the status of their Basenjis so watch this space for an update there as well.
I am very concerned that newer breeders are hearing we did original work with NSW Club in 2006 and coming to the conclusion that hypothyroidism must be an issue when the paper proved it was not so to the degree it was being proposed to so be.Aine Seavers

Results of the Basenji Thyroid Tests by Aine Seavers

Hypothyroidism is considered to be most of the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorders in the canine. Quite possibly this hormonal disease is also the most over mis-diagnosed condi­tion as a definitive diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, especially in the absence of clinical signs, can be difficult because of the lack of readily available blood tests with a high degree of accuracy and specificity. It is fur­ther recommended that these Thyroid function tests should only be performed in dogs with actual clinical signs consistent with Hypothyroidism. The situation is thus further complicated when a specific Breed So­ciety decides to start screening in advance for Hypothyroidism on the basis of an alleged possible inherited component to the condition. Driven by" abnormal" results based on a non-breed specific laboratory range without any actual signs of disease, the situation can rapidly escalate wherein perfectly healthy breeding stock are removed from the gene pool on the basis of such testing. The gene pool of Basenji in Australia is dramatically smaller in comparison to a gene pool for GSDs in USA. Any reduction in the size of the Ba­senji gene pool has the potential to dramatically affect the future of the breed and not necessarily for the good of the breed. Anecdotally, there are reports of close to 80% of the breed in some countries being medicated on the basis of a non breed specific blood result. In addition, no follow-on testing 3 months later to check for pre- and- post- pill TT4rrSH levels would appear to be encouraged, thus condemning some animals to a life-time of potentially unnecessary medication. Often the incorrect "Hypothyroid diagnosis" is being made routinely in animals as young as four months of age!!

Even if this breed were truly widely susceptible to Hypothyroidism, with most Basenji progeny almost all free of orthopaedic conditions such as HD, or any major concerns re cardiac, optical or dermatological dis­ease states, consideration could be given to tolerating the late onset of an easily controlled late age onset condition such as Hypothyroidism. Withdrawing valuable breeding stock or losing 4 years of breeding life, on the basis of one abnormal thyroid blood in the absence of clinical signs, might well prove catastrophic for the breed. The Cavalier King Charles breed Society in the United Kingdom tolerates low expression of Chiari syndrome on that basis. This despite the fact that the syringomelia is a much more dramatic, expen­sive and painful condition for breeders dogs and vets to control.

If a breeder is forced to make a decision that affects such a gene pool, the decision must to be an informed decision based on solid scientific fact and parameters. Such information has previously not been available.

The Basenji Club of NSW, in conjunction with Symbion Laboratory and with Vet surgeons across Australia who deal with the breed, all collaborated to subsidise a nationwide blood draw to collect and collate such infor­mation. A Basenji Breed Specific Blood Screen was created and analysed in an attempt to provide the most economically and easily accessible tests for the Basenji Club to amass information that would allow the breed­ers to begin to make informed decisions.

The exact results have been submitted as scientific paper for consideration of publication by the Australian Veterinary Journal as a peer-review paper in order to validate the values and conclusions. If accepted, the full paper will be made available to all Basenji Clubs in the coming months.

What we can say so far is that our survey suggests that previously established canine reference range values for TT4 may not be appropriate for use in Basenji.

Consideration should be given to interpreting serum thyroid TT4 values against a breed specific range such as that available via Symbion Laboratories.

It is to be recommended that all future thyroid testing for Basenji include a minimum of a Thyroid Stimulat­ing Hormone assay (cTSH) alongside any TT4 or FT4 blood tests.

In addition a higher range of normal values would also be wise to adopt for interpretation of Cholesterol and Haematocrit values for the breed.

The higher "normal" cholesterol does how give some concern in very elderly Basenji where we are investigat­ing a possible link with CV As( often described as a type of "Stroke") and the cholesterol level. This previously unknown link is currently under further investigation.

TSH dynamic stimulation testing is still held by many to be the gold standard for thyroid status determination; the reality is that the expensive test is rarely performed now having been replaced by the above T 4/cTSH ratio due to the latter's availability and ease of use.

Human thyroid stimulating hormone (ThyrogenR Genzyme Corporation) has now replaced the bovine or chemi­cal grade TSH as a safer and effective test for dynamic testing where the T4!TSH/Chol are inconclusive. However the cost of the actual test kit is exorbitant- about $3000. One also has to know the normal T 4 values before this test can be interpreted correctly so it was impractical to perform this test until we first established the breed norm. A small number of Basenji throwing a cTSH over 0.6nglml were tested in May however thanks to an extra-ordinarily generous donation from Denncare Australia who purchased a kit of rhTSH product spe­cifically to test these Basenji. Denncare company asked for nothing in return, they just simply wanted vets and owners to have more information to make better diagnoses and avoid un necessary medication. Royal Canin also provided $500 to help subsidise the laboratory fees for this additional May testing for which the Oak Flats Vet clinic were covering the cost.

Thyroid biopsy was declined at the time of the first survey due to the invasive nature of extracting the gland. However, a Basenji Thyroid Gland Histo-Bank has now been set up to where the thyroid gland of any de­ceased Basenji can be sent and then analysed by a panel of expert pathologists when sufficient numbers and funding are available. Owners are also invited to include punch biopsies of the skin to be submitted at the same time. The samples are currently being submitted to and paid for by my own clinic-Oak Flats and will be proc­essed as I can afford so there may be a delay of months before the results of an individual animal would be known. If however any owner wished to submit the gland to the Clinic and pay for their own dog at the same time then the results would be available within 7 days.

There is also now some good progress with the availability of DNA testing and this is a route the Clubs across Australia can consider exploring to find even better screening tests for their animals.


The Screen 1 results of this breed-specific survey indicate that caution 'needs to be employed in hound breeds such as the Basenji when interpreting results against a non- breed specific range. As a profession, Vets should be encouraging breed societies to collect breed specific data especially DNA data. In the absence of such data, great care should be exercised before prescribing medication to a healthy animal in the absence of clinical signs simply on the basis of one blood test result at one moment in time. Vets and Breeders should also exer­cise caution when classifying breeding stock as defective again on the basis of one single type or one single set of test results as would appear to be the case with some TgAA results.


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from The Basenji Club of NSW and participating Basenji owners, to Symbion Laboratories, Applecross, Dungog, Hammett St, Maitland VH, Oak Flats VC, Princes Hwy VC, Richmond, Stud Park Vet, Strathbogie, Tallangatta, VetWest Hilarys, Vineyard VC and Vet Path W A for donation of their time and expertise in collecting the samples and to the Basenji Club Executive along H. Church, and T & O Robb for helping co-ordinate the project.

torsdag den 8. oktober 2009

Math is not one of my strongest features

Figured out that if Asta has her litter it will be in the beginning of December and if I am really lucky, on my birthday ! That will be the greatest birthday gift ever - only once before I think (must check) has a litter been born on my birthday .... I also want to hear a concert at Horsens Theatre with the lead singer of Smokey, one of my favorite bands - they are playing 10th December but I need to buy a ticket soon ...

Also need to check how Mickey is doing today - but first out with the girls on our daily bike-ride, - the weather has changed and it is a bit nippy ....

onsdag den 7. oktober 2009

strikkede trøjer til hunde og nyt Røde Kors Projekt

Jeg har fået et par bestillinger på hunde trøjer, skal lige modtage de sidste mål mm - så jeg begyndte i går at strikke et tørklæde i noget garn jeg har købt i Rema - men det er med noget sølvtråd i og hænger fast i fingrene når man strikker hvilket er en skam, for det er dejligt tykt - men det må jeg så strikke ind imellem andre projekter såsom et Røde Kors projekt jeg har tilmeldt mig - nemlig at strikke huer til nyfødte børn i Afrika http://www.redbarnet.dk/

Håber iøvrigt Mickey kommer hjem snart .........

tirsdag den 6. oktober 2009

Har talt med Mickey

Mickey har det fint hvor han er i disse dage - jeg kunne høre, at han var noget vokal, men det er basenji hanner (og tæver!) på denne årstid i lighed med så mange andre dyrearter, såsom rådyrene i Dyrehaven ved Klampenborg som man ikke skal komme for nær - og nu skriver jeg på dansk igen opdager jeg lige - ja, hvorfor ikke ...... Kira er stadig i løbetid - det hjalp heller ikke ligefrem, at Gizmo vågnede op i en alder af 11 år og huskede hvad man gjorde med tæver i løbetid - Kira blev vildt interesseret i den lille 1 1/2 kg yorkshire terrier, som jeg som sagt forlængst havde troet var ovre alt det pjat. Men jeg blev da klogere - til trods for stormvejret, hvor Gizmo fløj 1 meter hen ad græsplænen var han der med det samme i søndags ved Kira og da jeg tog ham op blev han mega vred og jeg var så bange for at tabe ham, at vi gik hjem igen - Ikke en god ide at tage en gammel hanhund og en løbsk tæve på gå tur fandt jeg ud af -

Nu må den løbetid gerne være overstået - jeg må indrømme, at det jeg ser mest frem til er, at få Mickey hjem igen - og så at Asta evt får hvalpe i december måned ......... og i den orden

lørdag den 3. oktober 2009

Fransk hjerteorm

Jeg faldt ved et tilfælde over en artikel om fransk hjerteorm, der er udbredt i Sverige i øjeblikket - her er en lille tegnefilm, der fortæller om forløbet - http://www.kardiologi.life.ku.dk/Dyreejere/Fransk_hjerteorm/Hjerteorm_livscyklus.aspx

Det er uhyggeligt at tænke sig hvad vore 4-benede kan få i sig .... så pas på med hvor de slikker på græs eller i jorden

fredag den 2. oktober 2009


og hvad jeg ellers kan skrive af "bandeord"! forklarer hvordan jeg har det, da jeg sad og slappede af i går eftermiddags og en sms tikkede ind fra Lillian og Mickey og jeg ventede at høre godt nyt, for vi havde talt sammen i går eftermiddags og alt var fint - men ikke den sms ........... så for at gøre en lang historie kort måtte jeg ned og hente ny lejebil, hjem og sætte bure mm i bilen, køre til Silkeborg og hente Mickey, der havde det godt, men led så skrækkeligt af hjemve ......... og pigerne. Hjemme kunne jeg se, at Asta var stoppet med sin løbetid så det var Kira, at Mickey fokuserede på og det var ikke så godt ..... Kira måtte igen over til Hanne og overnatte og Mickey og Asta sov sammen igen - men Kira kan ikke være hos Hanne i al evighed for det er ikke godt at skille de 2 piger ad for længe ad gangen - så her til eftermiddag blev Mickey hentet af Boye og Signe og jeg må indrømme jeg blev lidt ked af at skulle af med ham igen ... men bare de 15 min jeg var ovre at lufte Kira hos Hanne i formiddags, da hylede han virkelig højt .... samtidig holder nogen unge mennesker en mega stor fødselsdagsfest for åbne vinduer, så jeg håber de fik overdøvet Mickey - de gør et godt forsøg i skrivende stund om ikke andet - men det er uden betydning for nu er Mickey snart på Sjælland og Asta og Kira sammen igen og jeg passer også lille Gizmo, der er en yorkshire terrier på 11 år- han er dog hjemme hos sig selv mens ejeren er taget en lang weekend